November 23, 2009

We got some help...

This past weekend we got some wonderful help in the renovations for the new diggs. April Clark, our worship leader, had a visit from her home church - Valley Fellowship, Hunstville, AL. Their focus was to serve Casa Angelina, a local orphanage, but as their week rolled over a weekend they had some time on their hands. We don't have many photos of the day. But be that as it may, they came and made it happen. This team of 12 put a major dent in the renovation's "gotta get it done first" list - ranging from ceiling work, cutting shrubs, cleaning the gutters in the kids area and pulling even more staples. These guys rock - Yea God!

November 20, 2009

My Wifes Hair...

This is a photo of my wife's long hair. One year in letting grow - partially on her part as a challenge to keep me from cutting my hair. Just for the record, I love my wife's long hair.

November 19, 2009

Renovations cont. ....

This week has been full of pulling more staples from the children's area, replacing sinks, and patching what had fallen from the old adobe walls.

November 15, 2009

The New Diggs...

Today we took official occupancy for this section of the new building. This was formally a day care center - "Sesame Mundu". Of course all copyrights have been cleared...

Our children's director Maria Dolores' first comment in the what do you think factor was this - "We will need more volunteers to accomodate all of the children we have space for." Now that's what I call visionary.

There are several challenges for this section including a bad cistern, roofs falling, oil painted murals and the 7 years of staples on all of the walls and ceilings, just to name a few.

November 6, 2009

Moving out...

This week began the official start of the move to the new diggs. This of course requires the dismantling of the offices, cafe and classrooms. This next month should be very interesting as we live in two homes. The offices will move end of this week. With the cafe closing until the new year on the 14th. The final day of services will be the last Sunday of November - with a moving party to follow.

November 2, 2009

We have an answer...

God's timing is the standard. Continuing from the last blog, He answered part one of whether to stay in 0ur building or not. This week He has shown us part two - where to go. Beginning January we start our new lease for a building with two and a half time more space our existing building. Yea God. There will be a substantial amount of work to do to get ready and bring it up to speed, but God provided the building right? In time, all else will make sense.

Please pray for the next weeks as we transition out of the old and into the new.