November 24, 2010

The Co-Op...

In September of this year we we given the opportunity to serve a group of home school students studying in co-op with other home school students. What seemed like a simple process of a couple students grew quickly to accommodate as many as 25 students studying a variety of classes, from sciences to the arts.

Every Thursday, the building is hopping with students in activities. What a joy it is to serve these students and their families.

November 15, 2010

The New Offices...

These past weeks have been rather busy. It has been the final push to move the church offices into the new and final location in the church building. We are now there.

Yea God!

November 2, 2010

Tour of things to come...

This week Bill Losasso came for a visit and he brought with him several men with agendas from seeing what was happening in the IDC to what products may be good to export. In the middle of this time were visits to the Pastores computer labs and leather shops - bringing National Baseball leagues paraphernalia to Guatemala - Tipico fabrication in Santiago Zamora - a church in Santa Maria de Jesus - just to name a few.

Time will tell how this investment will produce good things...