October 28, 2010

Going to Mexico...

So, every 6 months, we have to cross the border to get a passport stamp. Since Nancy has been to the states recently we were out of sync with our passport stamps. So off to the border I went for a 385 mile round trip run to Tapachula, Mexico. It was fun.

There was nothing out of the ordinary to mention other than I found a Home Depot. All of the signs were in Spanish - go figure.

October 26, 2010

EFL Graduation...

One of the foundations of this ministry has been English as a Foreign Language. April and her team have done a great job in this ministry. This week we ended our school year of classes giving certificates to 70 students and graduating 10 from our highest level.

It is wonderful to serve.

October 24, 2010

El Es El Camino Workday...

Just after services today, we (being 30 of our best friends from IDC) took a couple of hours to dig drainline trenches in the colonia for Pastores. While we always have welcomed the help from churches in the US on this project, it was fun to be a part of the construction as a church - Iglesia Del Camino.

Yea God!

October 18, 2010

Team Visit - Sacred Heart University

Thank you ladies for all you did...

October 13, 2010

El Es El Camino continued...

12 homes finished... and now to finish the infrastructure...

... this is the continued work to replace housing and lives taken during Tropical Storm Agatha.

October 12, 2010

Office Renovation Continues...

The new floors are going down...

October 7, 2010

PNC Breakfast...

Round three of an event that we are already seeing God use to open doors, breakfast with the National Police of Guatemala, Station 74. Yea God!