January 10, 2007

The Fountain in Parque Central...

This unique landmark in Antigua typically becomes quite the conversation piece. The fountain as we see it today dates back to only 1936. The first fountain while the central plaza was twice replaced. The original fountain dated in 1555 when the first water main was brought into the plaza. This was placed off center to provide space for activities such as bullfights, executions and other activities. The fountain was rebuilt at its present location in 1738. During the next 200 years, the fountain statues suffered from earthquake damage and vandalism. 1936 brought the current fountain that we see today. The original 200 year old mermaids on on diplay in the Santiago Museum in Antigua.

This fountain is the center piece of Parque Central (Central Park). This part of Antigua has a rich history of activity over the last 450 years. During the Christmas season, the park is decorated with lights in the trees. This is an area of the city full of diverse activities ranging from romancing and other illicit activities to street evangelism.

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