Politur Bible Study...
For those of you that have been with blogsite for some time, you know that we (myself and Antonio Sandoval) have been operating weekly Bible Studies for the Tourist Police of Antigua, under the authority of the Ministry of Valor and Service with the National Police. November 1, of this year we celebrated one year of ministry in the Politur Station. As well, Amber, my daughter, has been teaching English two days a week since last Februrary.
During this year we have not seen a great deal of movement in this ministry short of building relationships. The men are always invited and welcomed to join us for a cup of coffee in the cafe and if possible attend a service. Which when their schedule permits they take advantage of the offer. I have had the fortunate opportunity to visit three of them in their homes by invitation.
This past month I had several officers let me know first hand from their perspective what has been happening. They told me that they see the difference in their team since we started the studies. There are several men that have made recomitments to Christ in their churches. This past week we celebrated with the news of an officer professing faith in Christ for the first time. He was with other officers while on duty on The Volcano Agua.
This month an additional 30 men were added to the rotation of the officers. For a couple of days there was considerable concern that these new men would require the new space that we have completed and use for our chapel. But God is good. The new Chief as it turns out is a Christian. He had heard there was a pastor in the station and was very excited to see that his men had the opportunity to hear the gospel.
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