December 20, 2007

Staff Leadership Positions...

To follow-up on another Article from October. I want to introduce to you the new staffing positions the make this ministry happen.

Antonio Sandoval is our Pastor in Training. He will be starting effective January 14th. His responsibilities will be as a lay pastor for this church, attending Bible school training and help coordinate Short Term Mission team activities.

Marleni Monzon is our Administrative / Pastoral Assistant. She and her daughter Vasti began with this ministry in December of 2005.

Tonja Johnson is our Children's Ministry Coordinator. She and her husband, Rusty, are here building stoves and doing Children's Ministry in Santa Maria de Jesus.

Sonja Sandoval is our EFL Ministry Coordinator. She and her husband Antonio have been directly involved with this ministry since the beginning.

Boris Monzon is our Café Manager. He has been attending the church for the past year and a half. As well he volunteers in our Men's Ministry Soccer Team, our weekly kid's soccer training in Jocotenango and helps with his wife Jessica in the children's ministry on Sundays.

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